The One Movie You Must Watch in 2020


The One Movie You Must Watch in 2020

Over the holidays I rewatched one of my favorite-of-all-time movies, and quickly realized that I had to recommend it to my community of Next Steppers

The film is Julie & Julia: The story of career-deflated Julie Powell (played by Amy Adams), who is stuck in a job she hates and finds a creative way to pursue what she loves -- FOOD. Intertwined with Julie’s story is the real unfolding of the life and career of Julia Child (played by Meryl Streep), who didn’t start cooking until her 30’s and went on to become one of the most celebrated chefs of all time.

There are two reasons this movie is a must-watch assignment from your loving career coach:

  1. You will be INSPIRED to create a career you love. You will laugh, you’ll tear up, and you’ll feel more optimistic and motivated about the possibilities for your future.

  2. You will learn HOW to create a career you love. Because both Julie and Julia’s stories showcase the exact ingredients required to make a meaningful career change.

What are those ingredients? Allow me to break them down for you… 


How to Take Fear Out of Your Career


How to Take Fear Out of Your Career

“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality” - Seneca

If there’s one thing I see getting in the way of people’s job search and career success more than anything else, it’s fear

Fear is that racing in our chest, or the doubting voice deep in our minds that holds us back from taking the actions we most desire. Actions like searching for a more fulfilling careernegotiating for the raise we know we deserve, scheduling a networking conversation, quitting a job before we have a new one lined up, starting a tough conversation with our boss, or simply speaking up in meetings.

Fear says to us, “Maybe you shouldn’t…” 

And sometimes that “maybe” is all it takes to send us into a state of paralysis. 

There’s no way to eliminate fear from our emotional repertoire. We all feel it (I sure do!

But we can change how we handle fear -- how we evaluate it, put it in perspective, and methodically decide which fears are worth leaning into in order to build our happiest careers and lives. 


23 Minutes of Joy with Iyanla Vanzant

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23 Minutes of Joy with Iyanla Vanzant

Click here to listen to 23 minutes of pure joy with inspirational speaker, Iyanla Vanzant.

When I first listened to this, I spent an entire grocery shopping experience belly laughing - out loud - up and down the aisles. And if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that job searching (and life!) require some heavy doses of laughter. 

I also walked away with a host of messages I knew could impact my life and my clients’ lives

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My Top 10 Tips for Career Switchers


My Top 10 Tips for Career Switchers

Dear Liz, 

I’ve been thinking for a long time about transitioning out of my current career path, but am not sure where to start. Any advice on how to go through this process? 


Stuck At Square One


Dear Stuck At Square One: 

Switching careers can feel like a daunting challenge, and I commend you for reaching out proactively to get a road map for going through this process. 

I’ve worked with many clients navigating mid-career transitions, and while it’s not an easy task (let’s be honest, you’re talking about making a major change in your life!), it is absolutely possible -- especially when you embark upon it in a strategic and thoughtful way. And if you go through this process the right way, I promise you’ll feel that much more empowered, capable, and at ease as you move forward.


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[PODCAST] On crafting your intentional career

This was my first time being a podcast guest. And boy, was it fun (and yes, a little bit scary)!

In this episode of The Pique Podcast, I chatted with Cristina Roman - a Life Coach and former client of mine - about crafting a career with intention. We dug deep into our own professional journeys and some of the tools we use with our clients that you can start using for yourself, today.


Tune in to learn (on AppleStitcher, and Google Play): 

  • My take on how to craft a fulfilling career;

  • Growth mindset and what to do with our limitations;

  • Why I left Silicon Valley and gave up public speaking;

  • How to pivot your career;

  • The beauty of formalizing “safety nets” in our lives; and

  • How to increase the chances of your dream coming true from 65% to 95%.

I hope you'll give yourself 60 minutes today or this week to unlock greater happiness in your work and life...

...or at the very least, to hear my awkward laugh and secret love of Drew Barrymore movies. :)

And if you're inspired, thanks in advance for forwarding the episode to a friend who might enjoy it, or tagging me on your favorite social media platform with your biggest takeaway. I would be oh-so grateful.

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How to Ask to Work From Home (or Start Any Tough Conversation at Work)


How to Ask to Work From Home (or Start Any Tough Conversation at Work)

When it comes to tough conversations in the workplace -- asking your manager about working remotely, a raise, parental leave or flexibility, a change to your job description or a deadline -- most people ruminate endlessly on the potential risks.

  • She could say no...

  • She could get mad that I’m asking...

  • She could FIRE me...

  • I could come across as entitled, or unprofessional, or lazy, and this could be the beginning of the slow death of my entire career…..!

The prospect of “making waves” ignites worry and even catastrophic thinking in the best of us.

But sometimes we become so blinded by the risks of having the conversation, we fail to see the risks of not having the conversation.


The 5-Year Plan Alternative: Your 5-Year Vision Exercise


The 5-Year Plan Alternative: Your 5-Year Vision Exercise

This is one of the most popular exercises my clients complete when they’re struggling to figure out what they want to do. 

Sometimes we’re so focused on the granular question at hand, “What job would be best for me?” we forget to zoom out, and tap into the vision of the broader life we want this next career step to be a part of — the life we want to move towards creating.

Once we have that vision in mind, it becomes easier to assess which potential next steps would (and wouldn’t!) lead us there.

This exercise guides you to creatively envision a day in your ideal life, five years from now. 

Here’s how you do it: 

First, pull out a pen and paper, or open up a new document on your computer. 

Then, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths. Start to imagine yourself opening your eyes and waking up in the morning, on a random work day five years from now, in your ideal life. 

After you’re done taking those deep breaths, start writing, from start to finish, what that ideal day would look like. Follow the below prompts to envision and describe what that life vision looks like.

*To note, if you’re feeling stuck in this exercise because you’re considering multiple visions of what your future could look like, try creating a narrative for each of those different possibilities, so you can look at them side by side. Give each of them a name, for instance, you might have a “Climb the ladder” path and a “Start my own business” path, or a “Stay at home with the kids” path and a “Become a poet” path. Try exploring the possibilities from the lens of what each path would actually look like on a random Tuesday, to figure out which one(s) you’re most drawn to exploring further.

  • Where do you wake up? What time is it? When you roll over and open your eyes, what do you see? What kind of a place and space are you living in, and who or what is there with you? What do you do first? What does your morning routine look like? 

  • How do you get to work? Where is it? What does your work space look like, and who is there when you get there? 

  • What kinds of work do you do? What kind of company or organization are you working  for? What’s the pace of the day like? What kinds of tasks or projects are you working on? Are you working with individuals? By yourself? Groups? What is the bulk of your day spent doing? What are you trying to accomplish? 

  • When do you stop working, and where do you go? What does your evening look like? When do you go to bed? How do you spend your weekend?

Once you’ve completed the first part of your exercise, reflect on what you can learn from what you’ve written. 

  • What does this vision tell you about what’s most important to you in life (your values)?

  • How does this vision compare to your life today? What elements exist in your current life, and what’s missing? 

  • For the elements that are missing, what might it take to incorporate them into your life? (Bonus points if you separate these elements into two lists titled “minor effort” and “major effort”)

  • If you were to move towards that vision starting today, which elements would you most want to focus on building? What would it take, and where would you start?

Keep in mind, you’re not making any promises or committing to this vision today. This is part of a larger exploration process to help you uncover insights about what you do and don’t want. And even if you came away with a remarkably clear vision today, that vision may change as new experiences, people, and needs come into your life. 

But hopefully by the end of this exercise, you have a better idea of what parts of your 5-year vision are already present in your life. Those are the pieces to be grateful for, and to thank yourself for building thus far. 

I hope you also gain a clearer understanding of the kind of life you want to build towards — what’s missing, and which steps would and would not help you move in that direction. 

And last, I hope you feel inspired by spending a moment trying on what it feels like to wake up in that happiest of places. I hope you feel how possible it would be to achieve what you want, or at least get a whole lot closer than you are today. Make that vision your north star, and get moving! Every step you take in that direction is a step in alignment with your authentic happiness, and as long as that’s what you’re doing, you can’t go wrong.


How to Set Authentic Career Goals


How to Set Authentic Career Goals

It’s important to set audacious goals for the future. If we don’t say our dreams out loud, they will never come true.

That said, sometimes we can have an unhealthy relationship with goals -- choosing goals that make us feel smaller instead of empowered, setting goals that we feel we “should” achieve instead of goals we want to achieve, or holding onto goals that are no longer right for us.

How do we choose the right goals for us?

SMART goal setting is an excellent framework for short-term goals and project management.

But for long-term goal setting (“I want to be in ________ job by 2020” or “By the end of this year I will be ________”), here are the three guiding principles I suggest keeping in mind:


How to Know What Your Manager Wants


How to Know What Your Manager Wants

Dear Liz,

I recently started working with a new supervisor, and she’s hard to read. When I send her drafts of my writing projects (I work in online curriculum development), she returns them to me with lots of edits. I don’t mind the edits, but she hasn’t given me any qualitative feedback like “good job,” or “this should have been better.”

I’m working as hard as I can, but I’m constantly wondering whether I’m exceeding expectations, or if I’m at risk of being fired.

Should I just assume I’m doing well (and do my best to set aside my pangs of fear that I’m not) and hope for a positive 6-month review? Or what’s your advice?


